Yerba Santa • Eriodictyon californicum

Parts Used: leaves, stems and flowers

Affinity: respiratory system, skin, stomach

Herbal Action: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitussive, astringent, bronchodilator, expectorant, harmonizer, stimulant


  • Dries mucus and dilates bronchial tubules to treat bronchial congestion, asthma and hay fever

  • Stimulates digestive juices to improve digestion and ease nausea and stomachaches

  • Topically used on sprains, bruises, rheumatic pain, insect bites, poison oak, sores and wounds

Preferred Preparations: honey, infusion, oil/salve, tincture

Taste: fruity, evergreen sap

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe, but high doses can dry tissues and irritate kidneys


Yerba Maté • Ilex paraguariensis