Bladderwrack • Fucus vesiculosus

Parts Used: whole plant

Affinity: thyroid gland

Herbal Action: alterative, antibacterial, antioxidant, demulcent, immune modulator, nutritive, thyroid stimulant


  • High in numerous minerals and vitamins, including fiber

  • High iodine content eases hypothyroid symptoms including fatigue, lethargy, joint tenderness, slow metabolism and menstrual irregularity

  • Protects body from radiation, including from X-Rays and CT scans, and from heavy metals

Preferred Preparations: food as medicine, infusion

Taste: seaweed flavor like the ocean

Contraindications: avoid use if experiencing diarrhea or with hyperthyroid conditions. Consult your doctor before consuming daily with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s.


Black Cohosh • Actaea racemosa


Blue Vervain • Verbena hastata