California Poppy • Eschscholzia californica

Parts Used: all aerial parts

Affinity: nervous system, smooth musculature

Herbal Action: analgesic, antispasmodic, nervine, soporific


  • Soothing to the nervous system, reducing stress, anxiety, hyperactivity, and insomnia

  • Encourages deep, restful sleep without grogginess

  • Calms muscle spasms in the respiratory and digestive systems, including from dry coughs, IBS & Crohn’s disease

  • Reduces myalgia, neuralgia and nerve hypersensitivity

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: slightly sweet at first and finishes off bitter

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy or in combination with sedatives, antidepressants, phenobarbital and alcohol. May be less effective for those consistently using opiates.


Calendula • Calendula offinicalis


Cardamom • Elettaria cardamomum