Dandelion • Taraxacum officinale

Parts Used: flowers, leaves + roots

Affinity: digestive system, liver, urinary system

Herbal Action of flower + leaves: bitter tonic, diuretic, hepatic

Herbal Action of roots: alterative, anti-inflammatory, bitter tonic, hepatic, mild laxative


  • Bitter flavor stimulates digestive secretions and can strengthen appetite, ease gas, bloating and constipation

  • Diuretic action reduces edema and is often formulated to treat gout, arthritis and kidney stones

  • High in potassium and can be used an alternative to prescription diuretics that leach potassium

  • Improves production and excretion of bile and can be used longterm to support proper detoxification of the liver

  • The inulin content acts as a prebiotic to support a healthy gut microbiome and improves digestion and assimilation

Preferred Preparations for flowers + leaves: food as medicine, infusion, vinegar

Preferred Preparations for roots: decoration, syrup, tincture

Taste of flower + leaves: sweet, earthy bitter

Taste of roots: earthy, nutty

Contraindications: use with caution while consuming prescription diuretics and limit use if experiencing frequent urination. Avoid use with biliary obstruction and gallbladder empyema.

Origin Story: has long been used in TCM for lung and breast tumors, mastitis, abscesses, jaundice and hepatitis


Damiana • Turnera diffusa


Dong Quai • Angelica sinensis