Mullein • Verbascum thapsus

Parts Used: mainly aerial parts, whole plant can be used

Affinity: respiratory system

Herbal Action: astringent, expectorant, lung tonic


  • Encourages productive coughs to expel stuck mucus

  • Soothes inflammation in the respiratory tract and topically on wounds, bruises and hemorrhoids

  • Fresh garlic and mullein flower ear oil is a common folk remedy for earaches and ear infections

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: earthy + mildly sweet

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe, but the tiny hairs on the leaves may irritate skin and tickle the throat

Origin Story: the dried flower stalks can be dipped in fat and burned like a torch


Mugwort • Artemisia vulgaris


Nettles • Urtica dioica