Parts Used: leaves

Affinity of the leaves: immune system, urinary system

Herbal Action: alterative, anti-inflammatory, astringent, blood tonic, decongestant, diuretic, nutritive, styptic


  • High in iron and silica, which nourish the blood, bones, and connective tissue to speed tissue repair and to hasten recovery postpartum

  • Reduces allergic response, inflammation and congestion in the lungs and sinuses

  • Slows progression of arthritis and reduces fatigue

  • The tea improves kidney detoxification, tones the bladder and is helpful for edema

Preferred Preparations: cold infusion, tincture

Taste: similar to spinach

Contraindications: do not use with urinary obstructions

Parts Used: roots

Affinity of the root: endocrine system, prostate, reproductive system

Herbal Action: anti-inflammatory, hormonal, urinary tonic


  • Traditionally used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and regulate urination

  • Improves levels of free estrogen and testosterone to ease transition into menopause or andropause

  • Used topically to treat hair loss due to androgenic alopecia

Preferred Preparations: decoction, tincture

Taste: earthy + slightly salty

Contraindications: do not use with urinary obstructions

Origin Story: long history of use in European folk remedies for urinary tonic blends and male care formulas


Mullein • Verbascum thapsus


Oat Straw • Avena sativa