Rhodiola • Rhodiola crenulata

Parts Used: root

Affinity: cardiovascular system, endocrine system, nervous system

Herbal Action: adaptogen, antidepressant, antioxidant, anxiolytic, astringent, immune modulator, vulnerary


  • Used by athletes to improve stamina and endurance

  • Traditionally used for seasonal affective disorder, for increasing resiliency to stress, to reduce anxiety, and to improve cognitive performance, focus and memory

Preferred Preparations: decoction, tincture

Taste: chalky and bitter

Contraindications: not for use if taking antipsychotic medications or experiencing manic, bipolar or paranoid mental states. Take earlier in the day due to stimulating effects. Some may experience headaches.


Reishi Mushroom • Ganoderma lucidum


Rose • Rosa damascena, R. canina, R. rubiginosa