Rose • Rosa damascena, R. canina, R. rubiginosa
Parts Used: buds, petals and fruits (hips)
Affinity: heart, mucous membranes
Herbal Action: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent
Reduces inflammation in mucous membranes, including in the digestive tract, lungs, sinuses, eyes, vagina and skin
Topically soothing to itchy, weeping sores from acne, eczema, psoriasis, and poison ivy, and soothes rosacea
Calms the emotional heart and eases anxiety, especially stemming from grief
Traditionally used to reduce heavy bleeding postpartum and during menopause, and for irregular menstrual bleeding due to endometriosis or fibroids
Preferred Preparations: glycerite, infusion, yoni steam
Taste: sweet and floral
Contraindications: can be too drying for some
Rose Hips
Organ Affinity: cardiovascular system, mucous membranes
Herbal Action: antioxidant, demulcent, nutritive
High in vitamin C and flavonoids which tone the cardiovascular system and vessels, improve immunity, mitigate the effects of stress, reduce inflammation, and tone the connective tissue and skin
Traditionally used longterm to treat rosacea, allergies, varicose veins and high blood pressure
The decoction soothes inflamed mucous membranes in the digestive tract
Generally cooling to the body
Preferred Preparations: decoction, honey, jam
Taste: sour
Contraindications: generally regarded as safe