Sage • Salvia officinalis

Parts Used: leaves

Affinity: mucous membranes, respiratory system

Herbal Action: anti fungal, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, astringent, diaphoretic, perspiration inhibitor


  • Reduces inflammation in the skin and mucous membranes, including in the mouth, throat and vagina

  • Antiseptic properties are useful in treating respiratory infections, herpes, staph and candida

  • Traditionally used to dry up milk after breastfeeding

  • Topically used to tone skin, dry up excess oil and encourage hair growth

Preferred Preparations: infusion, steam, tincture

Taste: bitter evergreen

Contraindications: not for use medicinally during pregnancy or while breastfeeding


Rosemary • Rosmarinus officinalis


Sarsaparilla • Smilax regelii, S. spp