Rosemary • Rosmarinus officinalis

Parts Used: leaves and flowers

Affinity: cardiovascular system, gallbladder, liver

Herbal Action: anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, bitter tonic, circulatory stimulant, vasodilator


  • Tones vasculature generally and increases circulation to the brain to improve focus, memory and mental clarity

  • Stimulates digestion and bile production

  • Topically used to rejuvenate skin, treat wounds and fungal infections, and to improve circulation to the scalp to treat dandruff and hair loss

Preferred Preparations:  food as medicine, steam, tea, tincture

Taste: peppery evergreen

Contraindications: not for use medicinally during pregnancy or with biliary obstructions


Rose • Rosa damascena, R. canina, R. rubiginosa


Sage • Salvia officinalis