Bee Balm • Monarda fistulosa

Parts Used: flowers and leaves

Affinity: digestive system, respiratory system

Herbal Actions: anti fungal, antimicrobial, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, relaxing nervine


  • Topically soothing to burns, rashes and insect bites

  • Traditionally used to control diarrhea, to treat UTIs, soothe sore throats, and as a mouthwash for toothaches

  • Both internal and external use is helpful for fungal infections like candida, Tinea versicolor, and ringworm

Preferred Preparations: honey, oil, steam, syrup, tea, tincture

Taste: spicy flavor similar to oregano

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy

Origin Story: “Oswego tea” became popular with colonists after the Boston Tea Party and the boycott of British teas


Astragalus • Astragalus membranaceus


Black Cohosh • Actaea racemosa