Yellow Dock • Rumex crispus

Parts Used: roots

Affinity: blood, digestive system, liver, skin

Herbal Action: alterative, anti-inflammatory, astringent, bitter tonic, blood building, laxative, nutritive


  • Enhances digestion and assimilation of nutrients and improves liver detoxification to help clear skin conditions

  • Traditionally paired with black strap molasses to improve iron absorption in anemic individuals

  • Reduces inflammation from chronic digestive conditions

Preferred Preparations: decoction, syrup

Taste: bitter

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Nor for those with digestive obstructions, kidney disease, stomach or intestinal ulcers, those taking Lanoxin, Water Pills and/or Warfarin


Yarrow • Achillea millefolium


Yerba Maté • Ilex paraguariensis