Chamomile • Matricaria chamomilla

Parts Used: flowers

Affinity: eyes, nervous system, digestive system

Herbal Actions: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, nervine, soporific, vulnerary


  • Preferred herb for conjunctivitis, eye infections and styes

  • Safe and helpful for whiny, colicky and teething babies

  • Soothing to heartburn and reduces inflammation in the digestive tract, including from ulcers

  • Relaxes muscle tension in the neck, shoulders and back

Preferred Preparations: compress, infusion, syrup, tincture

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe

Taste: hay like flavor - earthy, slightly sweet

Origin Story: this “plant’s physician” was often planted near sick plants in the garden to help them recover


Cayenne • Capsicum annuum


Chickweed • Stellaria media