Chickweed • Stellaria media

Parts Used: all aerial parts

Affinity: lymph, skin, mucous membranes, urinary system

Herbal Actions: anti-inflammatory, alterative, demulcent, diuretic, nutritive, lymphatic, vulnerary


  • Highly nutritive and building, especially after dehydration, severe illness, childbirth and radiation treatment

  • Used topically and internally for swollen lymph nodes, swelling, edema and benign cysts

  • Soothing to any hot and dry conditions like dry coughs, fevers, rashes, eczema, bug bites, and poison ivy

  • Formulates well to reduce burning and irritation associated with kidney & bladder infections, cystitis & UTIs

Preferred Preparations: food as medicine, infusion, oil/salve

Taste: similar to corn silk and peas,

Contraindications: high doses may cause loose stools


Chamomile • Matricaria chamomilla


Cinnamon • Cinnamomum verum