Cinnamon • Cinnamomum verum

Parts Used: bark, flowers, fruits, leaves and roots

Affinity: cardiovascular system, digestive system, uterus

Herbal Actions: antibacterial, anti fungal, aphrodisiac, astringent, circulatory stimulant, harmonizer, hemostatic, hypoglycemic


  • Stimulates digestion which can ease indigestion, gas and cramping and also settles nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

  • Can be used to whiten teeth and reduce pain associated with toothaches

  • Traditionally used to treat passive hemorrhages, including postpartum and from heavy menstrual bleeding

Preferred Preparations: food as medicine, infusion, tincture

Taste: rich, sweet, spicy, earthy, slightly bitter

Contraindications: medicinal doses are not safe for pregnancy, but in food is fine


Chickweed • Stellaria media


Comfrey • Symphytum officinale