Cleavers • Galium aparine

Parts Used: all aerial parts

Affinity: breasts, lymph, urinary system

Herbal Actions: alterative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, lymphatic, nutritive


  • Traditionally used for edema and swelling, including in the extremities, lymph nodes, face and breasts

  • Longterm use is supportive for bladder irritability, BPH, nephritis and uric acid related conditions

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture, vinegar

Taste: similar to peas

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe, but chronic or severe edema needs to be checked out by a physician

Origin Story: consuming the tea daily and applying it topically was an old English folk remedy to remove freckles


Comfrey • Symphytum officinale


Cramp Bark • Viburnum opulus