Comfrey • Symphytum officinale

Parts Used: all aerial parts

Affinity: musculoskeletal system, skin

Herbal Actions: anti-inflammatory, astringent, demulcent, hemostatic,


  • Quickly heals broken bones, connective tissue and skin

  • Has been traditionally used for cuts, bruises, fractures, sprains, strains, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins

  • Topical use relieves pain associated with gout, tendonitis, arthritis

Preferred Preparations: oil/salve, yoni steam

Taste: similar to cucumber

Contraindications: avoid use on infected wounds as it heals the skin so quickly that it could seal the infection in.

Internal use has been debated among herbalists due to the pyrrolizidine alkaloid content.


Cloves • Syzygium aromaticum


Cleavers • Galium aparine