Echinacea • Echinacea angustifolia + E. purpurea

Parts Used: all parts

Affinity: immune system, lymph

Herbal Action: alterative, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulator, lymphatic, vulnerary


  • Topically used to reduce inflammation and swelling, treat sunburns, and to prevent the spread of infection

  • May be a helpful adjunct therapy for those undergoing chemotherapy or using immune suppressing meds

  • Stimulates immune system and is helpful as a preventative and to speed recovery from illness

  • Often formulated to treat a variety of infections

Preferred Preparations for flowers + leaves: honey, infusion, tincture

Preferred Preparations for roots: decoration, syrup, tincture

Taste of flower + leaves: pungent floral and herbal flavor with a subtle grassy bitterness

Taste of roots: slightly sweet at first and then bitter

Contraindications: avoid longterm use with autoimmune conditions

Origin Story: Indigenous folk smoke the aerial parts to ease headaches and use the root to treat venomous bites, poison ivy, burns and toothaches


Dong Quai • Angelica sinensis


Elderberry • Sambucus ebulus + S. nigra