Hops • Humulus lupulus

Parts Used: fruit

Affinity: digestive system, nervous system, smooth musculature

Herbal Action: anti fungal, antispasmodic, bitter tonic, carminative, diuretic, nervine, soporific


  • Calming and sedating, encouraging more restful sleep

  • Soothes muscle cramps due to stress, including in the digestive system and in the back, neck and shoulders

  • Stimulates digestive secretions, thereby improving appetite and digestion

  • Topical use relieves sore muscles, achy joints & nerve pain

Preferred Preparations: bath, infusion, syrup, tincture

Taste: beer like taste

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy or with sedatives and antidepressants. Contact dermatitis for some.


Hawthorn • Crataegus monogyna


Horehound • Marrubium vulgare