Horehound • Marrubium vulgare

Parts Used: leaves + flowering tops

Affinity: respiratory system

Herbal Action: analgesic, antispasmodic, astringent, diaphoretic, expectorant, emmenagogue


  • Eases chronic coughs, including from asthma, and makes coughs more productive in expelling stuck mucus

  • Soothes sore throats and clears congestion in the lungs and sinuses

  • Relieves stomach cramping from gas and bloating

Preferred Preparations: infusion, oxymel, syrup, tincture

Taste: slightly bitter + similar to root beer

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy

Origin Story: ancient Egyptian priests referred to it as the “seed of Horus” which could be the potential namesake


Hops • Humulus lupulus


Horsetail • Equisetum spp