Horsetail • Equisetum spp

Parts Used: aerial parts

Affinity: bones, connective tissue, skin, urinary tract

Herbal Action: astringent, diuretic, nutritive,


  • High silica content regenerates, strengthens and speeds healing of skin, vasculature, connective tissue and bones

  • Strengthens weak tissues in the lungs and bladder, and is beneficial for those susceptible to infections in these systems

  • Supports healthy hair, skin, teeth and nails

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: very grassy, similar to green tea

Contraindications: not for use with kidney inflammation, edema due to impaired heart or kidney function, or with obstructive stones. Avoid regular use in conjunction with digoxin-like medication, diuretics and with hypokalemia.


Horehound • Marrubium vulgare


Hyssop • Hyssopus officinalis