Meadowsweet • Filipendula ulmaria

Parts Used: aerial parts

Affinity: digestive system, musculoskeletal system

Herbal Action: anti-inflammatory, astringent, demulcent, diaphoretic, diuretic, stomachic


  • Soothes inflammation and irritation in the digestive tract and can be used longterm to ease symptoms of Crohn’s disease, colitis, ulcers, reflux and IBS

  • Reduces inflammation in muscles and joints, including that associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia and headaches

Taste: similar to hay, almond + vanilla

Preferred Preparations: infusion, syrup, tincture

Contraindications: do not use if sensitive to salicylates or taking blood thinners. Stop use around surgery. Excessive use can irritate kidneys.


Marshmallow • Althaea officinalis


Motherwort • Leonurus cardiaca