Passionflower • Passiflora foetida, P. incarnata, P. spp.

Parts Used: aerials parts

Affinity: nervous system, smooth musculature

Herbal Action: analgesic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, nervine, sedative


  • A gentle sedative that calms the nervous system, soothes anxiety and reduces cravings during withdrawal

  • Relaxes spasms in the muscles and eases cramping in the digestive and reproductive systems

  • Reduces pain from sciatica, neuralgia and headaches

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: grassy, slightly bitter

Contraindications: not for use during pregnancy. Consult your healthcare provider if breastfeeding or taking antidepressants, painkillers, sedatives or blood pressure lowering medications.


Oregon Grape Root • Berberis nervosa


Peppermint • Mentha piperita