Peppermint • Mentha piperita

Parts Used: aerials parts

Affinity: digestive system, respiratory system

Herbal Action: antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, harmonizer, stimulant


  • Dilates bronchial tubules and decongests sinuses when experiencing a cold, flu or seasonal allergies

  • Eases nausea, indigestion and intestinal cramping associated with morning sickness, motion sickness, food poisoning, chemotherapy, Crohn’s disease, colitis or IBS

  • May help treat headaches caused by congestion

Preferred Preparations: infusion, steam, tincture

Taste: minty

Contraindications: may aggravate indigestion or heartburn for some. Avoid use with biliary obstructions or severe liver or gallbladder disorders.


Passionflower • Passiflora foetida, P. incarnata, P. spp.


Plantain • Plantago major