Skullcap • Scutellaria lateriflora, S. spp
Parts Used: leaves and flowers
Affinity: nervous system, smooth musculature
Herbal Action: antispasmodic, bitter tonic, nervine, sedative, trophorestorative
Replenishes the nervous system from chronic stress and reduces anxiety, irritability, and nervous jitters
Promotes deep, restful sleep without morning grogginess
Uplifts mood and reduces agitation from withdrawals
Reduces nerve hypersensitivity from shingles, neuralgia, sciatica and early stages of MS and Parkinson's disease
Reduces muscle spasms and twitches, including tics, tremors, and intestinal and menstrual cramping
Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture
Taste: bitter
Contraindications: generally regarded as safe