Skullcap • Scutellaria lateriflora, S. spp

Parts Used: leaves and flowers

Affinity: nervous system, smooth musculature

Herbal Action: antispasmodic, bitter tonic, nervine, sedative, trophorestorative


  • Replenishes the nervous system from chronic stress and reduces anxiety, irritability, and nervous jitters

  • Promotes deep, restful sleep without morning grogginess

  • Uplifts mood and reduces agitation from withdrawals

  • Reduces nerve hypersensitivity from shingles, neuralgia, sciatica and early stages of MS and Parkinson's disease

  • Reduces muscle spasms and twitches, including tics, tremors, and intestinal and menstrual cramping

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: bitter

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe


Shepherd's Purse • Capsella bursa-pastoris


Solomon's Seal • Polygonatum biflorum