Valerian • Valeriana officinalis

Parts Used: root

Affinity: nervous system, smooth musculature

Herbal Action: analgesic, antispasmodic, nervine, soporific


  • Encourages deep, restful sleep with consistent sleep patterns (high doses can cause morning grogginess). Some may experience more intense dreams.

  • Soothes cramping, including in the lungs, uterus and digestive system

  • Reduces pain associated with nerve disorders and muscle spams, especially pain that improves with heat

Preferred Preparations: decoction, syrup, tincture

Taste: bitter black licorice

Contraindications: not for use with CNS depressants. Some may experience a stimulating effect and should discontinue use. Can exacerbate heat symptoms.


Uva Ursi • Arctostaphylos uva ursi


Vitex • Vitex agnus-castus