Willow • Salix sp.

Parts Used: bark

Affinity: blood, musculoskeletal system, liver

Herbal Action: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent


  • Traditionally used for pain and inflammation, including headaches, fever, muscle and joint pain

  • Topically used on poison ivy, cuts, eczema and sprains

Preferred Preparations: decoction, tincture

Taste: sweet and astringent

Contraindications: not for those with aspirin / salicylate allergies. Consult your health care practitioner when taking anticoagulants or immunosuppressant therapy. High doses can irritate the GI tract.

Origin Story: isolated salicin from willow bark was used to create aspirin in the late 1900s


Wild Yam • Dioscorea villosa


Wood Betony • Stachys officinalis