Wood Betony • Stachys officinalis

Parts Used: leaves, stems and flowers

Affinity: stomach, musculoskeletal system (face, neck, shoulders and mid back), nervous system

Herbal Action: alterative, analgesic, bitter, carminative, emmenagogue, nervine, trophorestorative


  • Strengthens and soothes the nervous system and encourages a feeling of connectedness and grounding

  • Traditionally used for headaches caused by head and neck tension, anxiety, nervousness or from digestive issues

Preferred Preparations: infusion, tincture

Taste: black tea

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe but can cause GI irritation for some

Origin Story: used to exorcise demons in the Middle Ages


Willow • Salix sp.


Yarrow • Achillea millefolium